My Great Ideas...

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Great Idea!

My mom said to me today, "Mar-mar, you should start a have good ideas and you should get them out there so others can read them."

Maybe this is funny to me because my mom has maybe been on the internet 3 times in her But I took her advice and here we are!

I am currently reading Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. So far I love it. He is so good with words. I loved Brothers K, so we will see...I love summer I am reading like 8 different books right now! lol. I should concentrate on one at a time, but having time to read gets me so excited that I just want to read EVERYTHING. Oh, I love books. Too bad God told me not to major in English...instead I get to cut out shapes and practice my handwriting! Woot. But I love my Philosophy minor, so there is redemption.

More to come in the future...when I figure out how this all works...